Electronically Clean Tapes

ARclean® electronically clean adhesive technologies are low outgassing, organotin-free, low in ionic content, possess extremely low levels of silicone, and offer excellent resistance to environmental aging.

The ARclean® adhesive line provides reliable performance for seals, labels, filters, dampers, and other hard disk drive components.


  • Excellent bonding to low surface energy substrates (PTFE, PP, others).
  • Non-corrosive and chemically inert.
  • Low outgassing (< 300 ng/cm2).
  • Ultra low silicones (< 20 ng/cm2).
  • Low in extractable ions (cations and anions).
  • Available for vibration damping.


  • Hard disk drive assemblies.
  • Photovoltaic cell assembly and encapsulation.
  • Flat panel display bonding/lamination.
  • Bonding seals, labels, filters, displays and other hard disk drive components.

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